Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sweet and Sour Soup

[ A repost from my "Around and About" blog, dated December 12 2011 ]

I lost my voice over the weekend, singing in octaves I certainly shouldn't have been. Mariah Carey has a career for a reason.. I don't get paid to hit the high notes (ATTEMPT the high notes, I should say..)

Anyway, I had a doctor's visit earlier this evening for something unrelated to my throat, but decided to grab a bite first.. also because I was over an hour early and had time to kill. I went to this little spot in New Hyde Park called Benjy's, and it's Kosher Pizza, Falafel, and Sushi. Quite the mix of flavors there, but I can't deny by how fresh they make they're stuff that there would be any complaints from anyone.

I ordered a half falafel sandwich with hummus, tahini, salad, and a side of fries from a handsome young Jewish man, and we sparked a small conversation which led to him having me try their homemade hot sauce. Hot sauce...?

"Is it like really spicy?"

"No, no, not at all.."

I don't eat hot sauce. But he was cute and I didn't want to be rude so I agreed. What he gave me in a little paper cup looked very, well, green, and what entered my mouth felt more like red hot open flames. Later on I'd find jalapenos, coriander, cumin, and garlic are the ingredients.. yeowch.

I sat to eat my food, and I was told that I didn't have to pay until after I was done. Fair enough. Another Jewish gentleman came from the back, most definitely the owner, and said hello. I apologized for the rasp of my voice, to which he said:

"A woman that can't talk is a GOOD thing!"

He was definitely.. well, at least PARTIALLY.. joking, and I retorted something like "Not EVERYONE thinks that's a good thing", speaking about myself, then he sat at the table across from me. We continued to talk as I dined. We talked about conflicts in communication between men and women.. how the stresses of everyday life are turning men and women into frustrated, short tempered parents and spouses.. why people are unhappy.. and finally, how uncomplicated things used to be: You get a job, you keep the job, you make the money, come home, and everything's smooth.. but it's not so anymore.

I was offered a bowl of soup at this point - Sweet an Sour - just made by the cook, and thinking back now I'm realizing that it was likely made just for all the workers behind the counter taking a break, including the young Jewish man who said it could help with my throat and who ALSO made me the offer, because they were ALL eating it. One guy leaving his shift was given a small plastic container with a lid so he could drink it on the bus ride home. Again, I agreed and took his offer. And AGAIN, there were hot SPICES in it! Crushed red peppers this time. My god, is there like a prank going on here...?? (I won't deny, though, the soup was pretty good and did soothe the rasp a bit.)

The cook came out and the guys working teased how "It's tasted better... what's missing?", "Does it need more vinegar?" "You did something different.. any pepper?" I laughed and confessed to the cook how DEEELICIOUS it was, and the slightly sour look on his face from all the playful criticism of the others turned into this wicked little smirk because NOW I was on HIS side! We all laughed some more, and when I was done, the cook swiftly but graciously took my bowl to wash in the kitchen, thanking me again for the compliment.

The time on my phone read it was time to go and the young Jewish man (who I asked and found his name was Nathan) rang me up at the register. The price didn't reflect the bowl of soup he brought me, I noticed... and all I could do was thank him. If it weren't for the silver band on his finger I would've given him my card. Maybe.

So really, why was I surprised that ANY of this would have happened to ME in a place like a Kosher pizzeria, that is known for their cheese fries, has a sushi bar, and makes homemade HOT SAUCE..??

Damn I can't wait to go back...**

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